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Holy Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church builders

Who Are We?

Our History

On June 23, 1974, a meeting was held at 3808 W Polk Street, Chicago, Illinois, for the purpose of organizing a Baptist Church. Among the members present, Rev. A. T. Tilly was selected as Moderator, and Rev. Curtis Brooks was chosen as Secretary.


In the Council of the organization were Rev. James Champale, Rev. James Gillespie, Rev. Hardy Preston, Rev. Earl Brooks, Rev. W. H. Foster, Rev. F. Block, Rev. J. H. Lane, Rev. G. W. Watkins, and Rev. G. Bell. Deacons present included Dea. Calvin Brooks, Dea. Excell McCollum, Dea. Melvin Brooks, and Dea. Lonnie Cago.

Mother Cornelia Scott suggested Holy Corinthian as the name for the new church, and it was adopted. It was also decided that Rev. C. T. Baker would be the Founder and Pastor of Holy Corinthian M. B. Church until his death. Sixty-five members joined after the church was organized.


Holy Corinthian M. B. Church worshipped at 3808 West Polk Street, on the corner of Independence Blvd and Polk Street, until 1975. Afterward, Holy Corinthian began holding services at the House of Prayer, 3500 West Roosevelt Road, Chicago.


In the Spring of 1976, Rev. Baker completed negotiations with Lutheran Charities for the property located at 2301 South California Avenue in Chicago. Soon after, on the First Sunday in March of 1976, the Holy Corinthian M. B. Church members motorcaded to their new home at 2301 South California Avenue, Chicago, IL.  Seven years later, in October 1981, Rev. C. T. Baker and the Holy Corinthian M. B. Church burned their mortgage. Meanwhile, the church membership grew to more than 1000 members.


In 2006, it was decided that Holy Corinthian would sell the church building on California Avenue and move. In February 2007, a sale was completed, and the Holy Corinthian M. B. Church family began worshipping temporarily at the Lathrop Academy School located at Homan and 15th Street in Chicago.  Then, Pastor Baker was led by the Lord to purchase the First Baptist Church on 5th Avenue in Maywood, Illinois. Negotiations were completed, and on Sunday, October 27, 2007, the Holy Corinthian Church Family motorcaded to its new home located at 401 South 5th Avenue, Maywood, Illinois.


Then, tragically, on February 8, 2011, Holy Corinthian lost its beloved pastor and founder, Rev. C. T. Baker. During his illness, in the months before his passing, Pastor Baker had pleaded over and over with the members to “stay together.” So, Holy Corinthian continued its Christian journey under the leadership of the Honorable Rev. David Bailey, who became Pastor in November 2011. Rev. Bailey was formerly an Associate Minister under Rev. Baker.  In 2014, a Food Pantry was added to the Outreach Services of the church, funded and operated by the C. T. Baker Performing Arts Center. Another change in leadership took place in August 2016, when Rev. Keenan Bond was elected Pastor of Holy Corinthian Church. Holy Corinthian is in the process of regaining its position as a beacon of light in the Maywood Community. Our new slogan has now become “Watch This Spot.”


In the years since Rev. Bond became pastor, more members have been added to the church.

As part of the history of Holy Corinthian, we would be remiss in our duty to report the progress of our church if we did not mention the Coronavirus Pandemic, with which the whole world suffered in the past year. While most churches closed their doors completely, Holy Corinthian not only kept their doors open but also held service every single Sunday. We had a live-stream service to accommodate those members who quarantined at home. When the weather cooperated, we held open service outside in the lot across the street from the church.


With God as our Shepherd and Rev. Keenan Bond as our Pastor, Holy Corinthian will continue to build a church that serves the community, a church after God’s own heart.

Our History



Mission: “We Exist to Know God and to Make Him Known â„ .   (Matthew 28:19-20) The Pastor’s evangelistic ministry and vision are to fish for souls like Jesus Christ.


Vision: To become the church that stands on His solid foundation by sharing the good news with boldness to all that we encounter (Matthew 16:18)

Holy Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church sunday service
Holy Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church what we believe

What We Believe

We believe the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God that is infallible and inerrant revelation to people. It is a believer’s final authority for truth, faith, and Christian practice. It gives a message of life, hope, and purpose from the Almighty God.


  1. Communion 

  2. Baptism

What We Believe

Ordinances of the Church


A visual demonstration of your faith and obedience.  We believe baptism is a visual demonstration of God’s inward renewal in the life of the believer. In baptism, our names are changed. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we are placed under the authority of God’s power and protection. It is the symbol of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection to a new life. 



In observing communion,  we are proclaiming

His death until He comes. It is, then, a statement of faith:

For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. 1 Corinthians 11:26

Holy Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church pastor keenan preaching
Ordinances of the Church
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